Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Happiness is a habit. "...for I have learned in whatsoever state I am therewith to be content." Phillipians 4:11

THROWOUT FOR THE DAY: Jennilyn, I DID IT! I cleaned out the "Linen" closet, or should I say "Pillowcase closet". I haven't thrown out a pillow case my whole married life! This is a stack of 39 (COUNT EM - 39!!!!) extra pillow cases that I've amassed all these years. AND THIS ISN'T COUNTING THE PILLOW CASES THAT ARE PRESENTLY ON MY PILLOWS!!! I narrowed my pillowcase stash to 10 extra pillow cases, and hopefully I can narrow that down a little further when I have more "moxy" to do so. Whew, this was a hard one!!!!!
Wait until you see my blanket stash! I can't do it today - - - I just can't. Maybe tomorrow.........



Rebecca Blevins said...

I am SO impressed and inspired! I need inspiration, because we have a madly cluttered house that I have already thrown BAGS full out of, and we just found out that we're expecting #4. I can't do it with all the clutter!

Ice Cream said...

Woo hoo! Go mom! *sigh* Now I need to go get rid of mine. I mean, one can only hold onto so many flat sheets in the improbable event children needing curtains for a major theatrical puppet production. I don't think they will ever need 13 and that is how many I have "saved" for just such a need.

P.S. Bedding is a great thing to donate to shelters this time of year too.

Jennilyn said...

Haha HOORAY!! WOW 39 pillow cases, eh? I could think of a million great things to do with pillowcases, none of which would ever get done. Great job cleaning them out! And on the linen closet!

I look forward to tomorrow night... I have just the shirt to wear...