Monday, October 20, 2008

I knew it, I knew it, I knew it - as soon as I decide to throw something away, it's needed. I had a stack of magazines that I had held onto for two years, ready to throw away. In fact, they were to the side of the front door, ready to be taken outside to the trash can. Granddaughter came over after school and was working on a collage for her diary book and asked if I had any magazines she could cut up.

Luckily, they hadn't been thrown out and she had fun cutting them up.

Oh, woa is me, what is a packrat to it a sign? Am I being too hasty? I'm definitely loosing my nerve....


Ice Cream said...

Don't stop!!! You are inspiring me. If you can get rid of the fuzzy pumper then I can get rid of old Ensign issues, right?

Jennilyn said...

haha.... it is a sign you should not give up! Don't stop... it feels good, doesn't it?

I told Ben I would follow your blog every day if you kept posting awesome pictures of the stuff you're purging. I think it's great, but then, I am a packrat's worst enemy.

BTW Liz, we just recycled our old Ensign magazines. They are all online now. Less clutter that way.