Friday, October 17, 2008

I'm not sure why I am starting this blogspot - - - just one more technological thing to learn and to neglect! But I'm doing it to keep up with my children. Most of them have their own blogspots and I love going to their blogspots and seeing their pictures and reading of their lives. I think the immigrants and emigrants of yesteryear would be in awe of the way we keep in touch. Back then, when a young family left home for new lands, they rarely ever got to see their loved ones again. Their new children were never appreciated by the grandparents, because the distances were so vast. Now, at the touch of a computer mouse, I can see my new grandbaby in Seattle, and hear his delightful gurgles and coos.
I don't know what I'll be posting here - but hopefully (and with the help of my kids) I'll get creative and make it worth your while to check in now and then.

So, why "Dotmother" - explanation to follow.....


Ice Cream said...

Yay! We have another convert to our bloggy cult. Welcome, dear mother.

Anonymous said...

Yes! We finally turnd you to the dark side! Oops, I mean, welcome to the wonderfully pleasant--and never so addicting that you neglect your household--world of blogging! :)