Friday, January 2, 2009

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Everyone you meet knows something you don't know but need to know. Learn from them.

THROWOUT OF THE DAY (To DI): This is a small throwout, but significant. These extra stuffed toys I've collected through the years, and have been jammed into this small basket. Of course, the basket throws up on a continual basis, so I highgraded my stuffed toys. The ones in the basket in the picture are the ones I'm keeping. The other's will be given to charity. "One small step for man, one large leap for a packrat!"


Ice Cream said...

Ahhhh, it's good to have you back, mom. I need my daily/weekly toss out fix.

I can't believe you had all of those in that tiny basket. I don't even remember seeing this basket. Good for you for letting go!

Mychelle said...

Karen No! That little tiger in the throw away bag is Jacks. It's from his great grandma. Please take it out before you take the bag to DI.