Saturday, June 12, 2010

JUNE 11, 2010

We arrived safely at 6:30 p.m. Today was a MUCH better day - got off that horrid Ohio Turnpike and onto some beautiful roads and scenery of northern PA! We went through rolling mountains of trees - with blue sky and white clouds above. The kids were pretty much plugged in all day to their game machines and DVD player, so I listened to "The Trial of Mary Lou", chuckling all through it, then some talk radio, then golden oldies. No demonic outbursts (even though I was really worried, because I had insomnia the night before, not getting to sleep until 3 a.m. Luckily Liz called me at 9:20 that morning and woke us all up, or we would have snoozed the morning away) But I felt rested and alert and did well.

When we crossed over into New York, I got SOOO homesick for Tony.....we spent 2 1/2 years in Connecticut, then 6 years in New York, so I was flooded with memories of our time together in these states. Lucille (theGPS) directed us through little backroads through small towns through New York and Connecticut to get to Liz's house. IT WAS AWESOME! As I wound around the narrow roads, with trees canopying the stretch of road, I felt like I'd come back home.

Enough of that sniffy stuff - - we pulled into Liz's and Jon's to a yard and driveway full of wonderful kids. It was sooooo good seeing Liz and Jon again, and all the little Vancies!! My, how they've grown! They've got a nice place here - quiet and trees all around - neighbors, but you have a lot of privacy because of the trees.

All in all, it was a very good trip - now we can't wait to see Jenny and kids, and Mary's daughter, Hannah - they'll be coming Sunday, as are Corrine and Bill Zembrowski, and their son, Brian and his girlfriend.

1 comment:

Patricia L Eaton said...

Your post about
"As I wound around the narrow roads, with trees canopying the stretch of road, I felt like I'd come back home."
was the EXACT same way I felt when I went back over the last year. And I was missing dad when im there too.

I'm glad you made it there safe, and no children were murdered. lol I might not have been able to say the same thing had it been me. he he he I love ya! Have fun!