Tuesday, June 8, 2010

JUNE 8, 2010

Whew, Loooong Day! But wonderful!
The kids loved Mount Rushmore - even wanted to go in the Museum and watch the video. They were so excited. What a contrast to a father and son that sat in our row at the movie. The kid walked in with so much boredom on his face, that his neck couldn't hold his head up, so his head bobbed limply to one side as he tried hard to convey to his dad that his being there was the pits!

And the kids were very good about not begging to go to all the other attractions in the area - except when we passed a waterslide park, Riley said: "I want to live in South Dakota and Mom be rich."

The tedium of crossing South Dakota was broken by stopping at Wall Drug - the kids loved it!

We got to our hotel here in Rockport, Missouri at 10:00 p.m. - popped popcorn in the microwave, so kids are watching some Disney channel and eating popcorn.

I'm ready for a shower and zzzz's.


Ice Cream said...

Love the matching shirt idea. I'm so glad the kids are getting to do this fantastic trip like we did as kids (though I'm sure they are better behaved than we ever were).

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! Those shirts look so cute! I'm glad to hear that you got to see the famous Wall Drug, and that the kids were NOT stinkers about "seeing the sights" the way Patti and I were when we were younger! ;)

Sundance said...

You are awesome mom. I wish I were a kid again and do those travels too. You four have fun and make it safe to CT or/and VA. Love you guys.

dotmother said...

Yeah, those shirts were my best idea yet! It's so easy to keep track of them - and Riley hasn't acted like a "DO I HAVE TO?" teenager - she's been VERY good about all my decisions! Gee, what a nice change!!!! hahahahaha

Patricia L Eaton said...

They finally saw The Faces! They were so excited about Mt. Rushmore! This trip is so fun to live vicariously through your blog. Again... thanks for posting, thanks for protecting my babies and thanks for giving them an experience of a lifetime!!! You rock mom!!!