Saturday, June 12, 2010

June 12, 2010

It's a misty, humid day here in New Fairfield, CT. Liz took Riley and Cookie on the train to New York City to see the sights - I wondered if Jude and Calvin would feel slighted, but they didn't mind at all. Jon mowed the lawn and is running errands, while I watch the grandkids and read.

I found the book"Auntie Mame" by Patrick Dennis - excited to read the book (which is good) after watching the movie, and assumed it was a real story by Mame's nephew Patrick Dennis. Looked him up on Wikipedia - found some interesting facts (one of which is that Mame is sad"). So if you're interested:

1 comment:

Patricia L Eaton said...

I will read it anyway. That woman is my hero... fictitious or not. Cuz she inspired me to "LIVE LIVE LIVE!" lol
Did Riley's camera show up at all?